Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Only the beginning

Here Wally is screwing some of the big pipes that will be the frame of the cold frame. It is HUGE! Today he managed to get three of them up that you see only one in the picture below and it was hard. It took all day! Hard work for an old man and his only occasional help from an old woman.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Big Head!

This is our second big head of broccoli. It tastes so yummy. We'll be selling some at farmers Market Saturday. We have about 25 plants and they just keep bearing all summer. It's just that the heads get smaller but it is still good.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Here is Wally, working, working, working in his potatoe patch. We have little potatoes about the size of golf balls. That is the view in back of him of the valley that we can see now that the bushes are gone. I like it. Everything is pretty open around here now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I am still trying to get this figured out. Bear with me. I even have trouble leaving messages on each of your blogs. Wish they'd ;eft it alone:0(