Friday, August 24, 2007

What is it with these beards?

Our produce is doing well in spite of the weeds all around them. Here are Steve, Wendy and Wally at Farmers Market.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Dentist's dream

Wendy looks like she is having to try hard to beat the pro!

We are at the Stampede's carnival watching people go on the crazy rides.

Wendy's growing up!

Greg and Wally went fishing at a place on the reservstion where they feed the fish and they are a cross between salmon and trout. Dick, and Greg got their's right away and Wally fished and fished. Then he saw a big one swimming by so he grabbed a net and scooped it up and said "I got mine!!!"

Sarah had more fun with frogs while she was here. She had five in a container in here one evening and when we got up the next morning there were only 4!!! Never did find the other 4:-(


Here is Greg and Wally at Farmer's Market. I will post more pictures tomorrow. My computer is so slow, it takes forever to just put these three pictures. We really enjoyed having first Steve and Wendy's visit, then Greg and Sarah's.

Wendy and Sarah in Spokane.

The hairy brothers:-)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Idaho Pictures

Here are a few of the pictures taken in Idaho a couple of weeks ago. Kinlee didn't know what to think of us. I like the picture of Deacon on Matt;s lap. We had a wonderful time but wish we could have visited with Rusty and Brendi more.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Rattle Rattle

About a week ago we saw a big "bull" snake in our garden. That was okay. Then today Wally spotted a snake just under the edge of the house, where I had a sprinkler going all night. I started tugging on it trying to pull it out so I could see how long it was.....and then I spotted the rattles. 8 of them. The guy that was painting our house pulled it out with a shovel and d-headed him. He was NOT the one we saw in the garden.