Friday, April 17, 2009


I just realized I should have put the new carpet pictures last. Anyway, you can't really tell the color but it is a light beige and really cushy. I love it but now dad has to cut the bottom off of the closet doors and the bedroom doors because the carpet is so thick.

All of our two bedroom furniture and all the "stuff" from the rooms is crammed in our living room for a few days while we got ready for the new carpet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trip Pictures

We were waiting to go on the safari and this little boy sat down by Wally so I asked him if I could take his picture. This was at Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay.
This was at the Warplane Museum.

We enjoyed a session in the beautiful Orlando Temple.

Didn't get very good pictures at Seaworld because our camera wasn't working right but isn't this Manatee an interesting looking guy?

This is the view from our 8th story floor of where they served a beautiful breakfast every morning.

Kennedy Space Center was very Tinteresting. They took us by tour bus to two different sights to see the launching pad, etc.

After we visited Kennedy Space Center, we drove out to Cocoa Beach.

One fun thing we did was go on a mini-safari and got to feed the giraffes.

This was kind of a highlight of out trip by going very slwoly around Lake Cypress and being able to see the alligators in their natural habitat. We counted at least 24.