Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Close Up

Wanted you to see what the moonflowers looks like up close.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I was wondering if any of you want me to save seeds from these flowers. The poppies are so pretty but they do tend to spread. The first flwoer is called Moonflower and is a low growing plant with large white flowers. It would look good against a wall or something. Let me know

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pictures

Just a few pictures. Wally walked (with his walker) out to the cold frame today and sat for a little while on two pillows. It felt very good for him to be outside. The next picture is how his feet looks in the morning. One white and one really red. We need to ask the doc about that.
Then you can see we will be eating ripe tomatoes soon. These are Northern Delight and are a variety that Aunt Karen told us about that are really early. The pink poppies are taking over the cold frame but they are so pretty (the picture doesn't do them justice) I haven't the heart to pull them even though they are crowding the veggies. Then the last picture is leeks. Have any of you ever grown leeks? This is our first time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It was so good to have Steve here to help out while dad is unable to do things like this. He was a great comfort to us.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I wonder if this is why he ended up having to have hip surgery. It's hard to keep this guy down. He said this little short walk outside felt SO good. He went slow and didn't go far but he just isn't a "lay-around" kind of guy. He needed the fresh air and said half of recovery is mental.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


We got Wally home today. I think he's going to make a lot of progress if I can keep him out of pain but I think he's just happy being home. Thank you for all your prayers.