Monday, April 8, 2013


Look how happy grandpa is on Easter Sunday when Dotty got on his lap. She remembered him.

Dad is trying to pump water out of the water bed but several attempts with small pumps didn't work. We finally had to go buy one. What a job. We decided to get the waterbed out of the basement while we still can but as it turns is a bit much for us so we have help coming tomorrow....hopefully!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Didn't know if you kids had ever seen this picture taken of my brother when he was 8 and I was 6.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Grandpa and Benji

A pretty cute picture of dad and Benji. It was hard keeping him off of dad but then I don't think he minded!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Steve is standing on the front of the boat ( it's not moving!) We took it out on the Columbia River but the motor kept heating up again. It's back in the shop:{

We passed this orchard where they had been watering and it froze. There were still apples on the trees. Couldn't get enough workers to pick them!!!

This ramp took us down to the edge of Lake Chelan.

Steve, Wally and Fred doing " the usual".

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wally and his new windmill:0)

This is part of our display at farmers market Saturday when Omak had their centennial celebration at the park. Our brocolli has done really well, unlike some of the vegetables that need heat and aren't getting it!

The day we broke an axle on the boat trailer was a trying day for Greg and Wally. It was on Omak Lake road and we had to leave the boat there so they could get tools. It was a long 10 hour day just to get it home. JNo fish were caught that day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The final product

Yesterday was a busy day for Wally and two helpers. They got cement poured in the boat house and along side of it. Today Wally is cleaning around the edges. Nice job!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Wally has been working hard getting this area ready for concrete to be poured next week.

I put these pictures backwards but we get some pretty hard winds here and our renter was so worried that this big fir tree would fall on her side of the duplex so we had it taken out!

I am just sick about the way our tree looks in our back yard now. We paid a pretty good price to have the tre trimmer do this. We are told that it will thrive and look really nice now BUT I think it looks awful now!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New pix!

Finally I have a different subject to put on our blog=)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A coupla more shots

Here you go Julie. A couple of shots. I know the colors are plain but I can change the look with towels. I have ordered a sheer valance with a little embroidary on it, to go with the blinds on the window. ( in white)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sarah's Visit

The first picture doesn't look as pretty in the picture as it really was. There is snow on the mountain way in back of us. It was a very pretty shot.

Sarah brought her little rabbit that her cat caught and brought into their basement. Sarah went to the pet store and got what she needed to care for the rabbit. She did everything she could but the poor little thing didn't survive. We went to Google and read about trying to rescue wild rabbits and everything said, it was pretty hopeless because they are so sensitive to noise, handling, etc. She was pretty young. Too bad:0(

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Just a few pictures of the bathroom. He should finish tomorrow. The color isn't really accurate. How do you like the corner toilet? Ha The middle picture is a builtin shadow box to put shampoo, etc.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


How do I delete a picture on facebook?

Friday, February 25, 2011


Here's a glimpse of the claw that the doctor took out of dad's hip. The cables were c ut but some of the edges are very rough and sharp. It's gotta feel better once he heals!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Do you think dad has been watching too much Glenn Beck??

Dad built this homemade solor panel from scratch. He got the directions online but they were so hard to understand that he figured it out himself. He is now working on his second one. This is mounted on our roof.Someone from church wants him to do a class on how to make them.
Here he is wiring the solor panels along the house and it goes into the basement and is connected to a 12 volt battery which can then be converted to a 110.

We had a terrific wind storm that tore the plastic on the cold frame. Dad is on top of a 15 ft ladder trying to repair it. Hopefully it'll hold if we get anymore high winds!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Misc Pictures

Just a couple of pictures. Dad is working on his "man cave". He even got a door with a lock and he teases me about that:) The other two pictures are us at the temple with lommassons and Boohers.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


This was only a couple of days ago and now our world is WHITE!!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Yard

Things are starting to fade but I just love the color of this "Burning Bush"! Hopefully our hedge along the raod will fill in and get beautiful like this one.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Just a few random pictures from this summer.