Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Only the beginning

Here Wally is screwing some of the big pipes that will be the frame of the cold frame. It is HUGE! Today he managed to get three of them up that you see only one in the picture below and it was hard. It took all day! Hard work for an old man and his only occasional help from an old woman.


Sherri said...

I'm loving seeing what is going on in your lives through pictures! So is this like a greenhouse? I'm not sure what it is....
You two do not look like old people!

julie said...

You don't ACT like old people! This will be so cool!

Sherri said...

Do we get to see the finished product???

Brianna said...

what is it?

Diane said...

Brianna, it is a cold frame kinda like a green house. And Sherri, y6es, you get to see the finished product WHEN it gets finished. Because we have so much other things to do and because this is such a BIG project, it'll take dad all summer to complete it. It is hard to put up.

Jami said...

That looks really cool. I'm glad you got your blog working :)