Monday, June 11, 2007


Here is Wally, working, working, working in his potatoe patch. We have little potatoes about the size of golf balls. That is the view in back of him of the valley that we can see now that the bushes are gone. I like it. Everything is pretty open around here now.


Diane said...

Oh my word. That's not how you spell potato!

Sherri said...

Wow, that looks so different. But it looks pretty. I am jelous of the potatoes! I ordered some potato starters but havn't recieved them yet and am wondering if it's too late to start them now.

bren said...

That's one thing I remember from two summers ago that we were there (for Grandpa's 90th b-day) were your red potatoes. Is that the kind you are growing? Those were the absolute best! I love yukon gold potatoes too.

Diane said...

You could probably plant some potatoes now Sherri but not a lot longer. Brendi, we plants Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac and Red Norland and Kennebec which is a good keeper. We planted 75 pounds of potatoes which will yeild us a LOT.