Saturday, August 4, 2007

Idaho Pictures

Here are a few of the pictures taken in Idaho a couple of weeks ago. Kinlee didn't know what to think of us. I like the picture of Deacon on Matt;s lap. We had a wonderful time but wish we could have visited with Rusty and Brendi more.


julie said...

This really was a wonderful time. Time just went by much too quickly...

bren said...

It was fun seeing all of you too. Glad you had fun in Idaho! Thanks again for the food, clothes & gifts!!! I look forward to making some french fries with the potatos you gave us. (I chopped them up & froze them before we left for CA).

Sherri said...

These were fun to look at, I was looking forward to checking out the "blogs" after our trip!

Jami said...

Rexburg seems like the party town for the cousins right now :)

Sherri said...

How about sharing some pics from Greg and Steve's visits???