Friday, August 24, 2007

Our produce is doing well in spite of the weeds all around them. Here are Steve, Wendy and Wally at Farmers Market.


Unknown said...

yummy fresh veggies. I love farmers market. Although the one here isn't that great. Not much is locally grown. It is still fun though.

Jami said...

I love our farmer's market here. Nothing like fresh veggies. :)

Sherri said...

Scott and I went to farmers market the other night, I'm wondering if people are nearing the end of growing or something, it was lousy. I liked yours better.

bren said...

i look forward to new pictures!!

Sherri said...

How about an update on your garden frame?????

Sherri said...


julie said...


Sherri said...

Okay...I'm not checking your blog anymore...