Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Car

Just wanted to show you this new car we got. I feel very spoiled.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

LaMonte's service

I feel bad that I didn't take more pictures at LaMonte's funeral. Before anyone else arrived I snapped these three and that's it. The girl is Pam's daughter Sarah, then Karen, Aunt Jeanene's daughter, Aunt Jeanene and Wally. Too bad you can't see the pictures better on the table. There are some really nice ones.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fun in Portland

I wanted to show a couple of pictures taken while in Portland. Julie and Sherri at the Saturday presentation. Then Julie exhibiting our mood for the weekend. Lastly, the beautiful picture of our family. Thank you so much. We feel so blessed!

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Fall

The only thing I don't like about this time of year leads into winter but the colors are starting to be so beautiful. I l0ove this big Burning Bush and that is why we planted a bunch of them along the road. I can't wait until they get big like this one. The bottled grape juice is only the beginning!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This was a winner at Farmer's Market this summer. A lady came one day and we had individual baskets of different kinds of cherry tomatoes and she said " Do you mind if I mix them?" We thought it looked so pretty, we started selling them that way. There are cherry tomatoes, red pear, yellow pear, black pearl and chocolate cherry.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beautiful kids.

Just had to add some pix of my kids!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

He's the smart one:0)

We do love our kids. This one is the smart one.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We've been getting $2.00 a pound for our tomatoes and dad thinks someone is going to pay $5.00 for this at Farmer's Market. We'll see.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Some more fixn' up!

Do you remember the old shed in back and the piles of wood and the fence that was flaling down. This is the start of fixing that up. We plan on pouring cement and putting the picnic table over there.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Visit to Greg's

These are a couple of pictures that I took when went over to Greg's new house in Spokane. It is nice. The downstairs is not finished so he will have some work to do there but he can fix it the way he wants. So right now it is a two bedroom, one bath upstairs but it is plumbed downstairs for a bathroom. It is a corner lot. We had a good time. Short though.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Random Pix

Guess I'll just tell a little about each picture. The first one is the starting of my "mound". Julie gave me help in designing the shape and ideas of what to put on it. I am now waiting for there to be plants available to plant. This is just the lava rock and a few rocks and pansies.
The next picture is a geranium that we had out in the greenhouse all winter. It did so nicely.
The picture of the new cabinets will give you an idea of the wood but it is hard to tell what it is going to look like when it is finished.
Then some of the Valentine kids coloring Easter eggs. Last but not least....Seth and his chocolate mouth!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Valentine Visit

Just a few pictures taken during our recent visit by some of the Valentines and Tiffany and Zach. I didn't pay any attention to the order and the fact that they all go down the middle but anyway. The first one is Wally and Brigham "cleaning" the fish they caught. I guess Brigham was pretty grossed out about the slimy creatures and didn't want to touch, clean OR eat any of them:0)
Cute little picture of Zack. He had some rough times while he was here but Isaac had him smiling here. He's getting a bunch of new teeth!

Pretty sisters and their pretty colored Easter eggs.

The weather was so cold while they were here but the kids did manage to have some times outdoors. Grandpa had moved some dirt so they did get to play around in the dirt some of the time.

This was at the Easter egg hunt in Okanogan. They just had it divided according to age. When the firetruck honked its horn, the kids ran out and got eggs. It was over in about 3 minutes.....

Monday, January 21, 2008


It's kinda hard to see unless you click on the image but the snow has taken it's toll on the cold frames. The big one has had it's test this winter so we think it'll be okay what with the winds and the heavy snow. The small one however was not so lucky.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Time for a Change

I just needed a change from having pictures all along the mantel. You may have to click on this to see what I did, it is a little bit of a change and I am happy with it.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


After our last HEAVY snow we got up in the morning to see that our small cold frame had collapsed under the weight. It is hard to see but it's that "flat" thing to the right of the big coldframe. Not sure what we'll do with it.