Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This was a winner at Farmer's Market this summer. A lady came one day and we had individual baskets of different kinds of cherry tomatoes and she said " Do you mind if I mix them?" We thought it looked so pretty, we started selling them that way. There are cherry tomatoes, red pear, yellow pear, black pearl and chocolate cherry.


Sherri said...

I hadn't heard of black pearl and chocolate cherry, do they taste pretty similar to regular cherry tomatoes. Eye appeal....a marketing technique. To be honest I would be more likely to buy them mixed! I guess I'm a sucker for eye appeal!

Diane said...

The black pearl and chocolate cherry are an heirloom and taste like the black krim. So there is a bit of a different taste. Good though.

julie said...

I agree with Sherri, I appeal is key. I love the black krim so much that i will buy it at the farmers market even though I have a few regular tomatoes here. You guys are so incredible with the growing thing :).