Monday, January 21, 2008


It's kinda hard to see unless you click on the image but the snow has taken it's toll on the cold frames. The big one has had it's test this winter so we think it'll be okay what with the winds and the heavy snow. The small one however was not so lucky.


Sherri said...

Wow, that's alot of snow. Hope the big one holds up.

bren said...

That is a lot of snow. I hope it's not as cold there as it is here- negative 21 degrees! Not fun if you're outside!

Jami said...

Wow. Yeah, hopefully the big one stays up.

bren said...

Hey Grandma, My address is

julie said...

Darn! That's crummy to have that happen. Hope it will end up being fixable. I really really want to get a small cold frame this spring. A lot smaller than both of yours.

Unknown said...

holy cow, that is so much snow. Can be fun when it snows but also a lot of work

It has been really cold here too.

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