Monday, January 7, 2008

Time for a Change

I just needed a change from having pictures all along the mantel. You may have to click on this to see what I did, it is a little bit of a change and I am happy with it.


bren said...

I like the change, it looks really nice! I also have to compliment you on your good blogging skills lately! :)

julie said...

I like the change also! It's fun to change things around. Ron, gets tired of me changing things tho. But variety is the spice of life right?

Sherri said...

I love it! I especially like the greenery w/ the pictures. Looks great!

Unknown said...

It looks really good grandma. I agree. I love change. I could use a change, but i'm waiting until we live in a more permanent place...i have some great ideas. :)