Sunday, April 13, 2008

Random Pix

Guess I'll just tell a little about each picture. The first one is the starting of my "mound". Julie gave me help in designing the shape and ideas of what to put on it. I am now waiting for there to be plants available to plant. This is just the lava rock and a few rocks and pansies.
The next picture is a geranium that we had out in the greenhouse all winter. It did so nicely.
The picture of the new cabinets will give you an idea of the wood but it is hard to tell what it is going to look like when it is finished.
Then some of the Valentine kids coloring Easter eggs. Last but not least....Seth and his chocolate mouth!


Sherri said...

Wow! Your kitchen is going to look so good! It looks different without the wall paper. I like your arrangement with the lava rock too, pretty.

bren said...

Are you going to paint the kitchen too? I'll be excited to see the finished product!

julie said...

Mom, I like the new look of your blog. When do you get the lower cabinets?

Sherri said...

Brendi and I thought it was funny Mom, how you asked us at Christmas what "random" means and then you title your post Random pictures :0) heehee.