Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New bathroom floor

Well this is the start fo the new flooring. Dad decided that he wanted to do this himself so he pulled the old carpet and used it as a pattern for the vinyl. He got it laid today but we still need to put the molding around the edge. The new carpet is supposed to be in in about a week. We are saving about $200 by pulling all the old carpet out of both bedrooms, and getting the foam and tack strips up. I hope it's worth it because that's a hard job. It'll be nice not to have carpet in that bathroom.


bren said...

How exciting! I really love seeing all of your renovations so keep posting!

julie said...

Looks great! Why did you decide against the carpet? I do know that for us carpet didn't work cause it got REAL wet all the time :).

julie said...

By the way mom, I'm proud of you using a new background.

Sherri said...

Yes, it does look great. I'm with Julie, carpet in bathrooms wouldn't work well for us :0)