Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Early garden

This is just a view of inside dad's cold frame. We have the most beautiful lettuce. When anyone comes over we send them home with a big bag of lettuce. THese buckets sit beside each tomato plant. When there is a chance of a freeze, I have to go cover them. You can see the sides of the cold frame rolled up a bit. That has to be lowered each evening and raised each morning. The last picture is a tomato blossom.


Sherri said...

What a beautiful garden! Are you going to cut back at all this year with Dad's hip situation?

Diane said...

Oh yeah! We have given away dozens of tomato plant, plus broccil, cabbage, etc. We'll still have a good sized garden but not to sell.

bren said...

That's awesome!

julie said...

What is your favorite lettuce? I think I like beet leaves.

Diane said...

We really like the Tangy Mesclun mix!