Monday, June 29, 2009


I was wondering if any of you want me to save seeds from these flowers. The poppies are so pretty but they do tend to spread. The first flwoer is called Moonflower and is a low growing plant with large white flowers. It would look good against a wall or something. Let me know


Sherri said...

Wow, who wouldn't want those to spread! yes, Iwould like seeds.

Jami said...

I would love seeds too, whenever I see you next. Also, how is Grandpa doing? Did you figure out why one of his feet was white and one was red?

Diane said...

Yes Jami,the dr said they destroyed and injured a lot of the veins in his leg and I guess they are rebelling or something so he has grandpa taking a large aspirin every day and I have been massaging his leg towards the heart and he has be elavating it and wearing pressure socks.

julie said...

I want seeds!!!!