Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pictures

Just a few pictures. Wally walked (with his walker) out to the cold frame today and sat for a little while on two pillows. It felt very good for him to be outside. The next picture is how his feet looks in the morning. One white and one really red. We need to ask the doc about that.
Then you can see we will be eating ripe tomatoes soon. These are Northern Delight and are a variety that Aunt Karen told us about that are really early. The pink poppies are taking over the cold frame but they are so pretty (the picture doesn't do them justice) I haven't the heart to pull them even though they are crowding the veggies. Then the last picture is leeks. Have any of you ever grown leeks? This is our first time.


Sherri said...

Wow, I havn't looked at your blog for awhile. Missed the one of Steve. That was super neat of Steve to help out. Well I was going to post some pictures of our garden (sorry, Ron) but I think I won't after looking at yours! haha. The poppies are beautiful. Havn't grown leeks before but I've cooked with them. I loved seeing the pic of Dad, sitting where he feels right at home.

bren said...

Grandpa looks like he's doing better. Did you get his feet checked out? I wonder what that could be from. I wish we were there to help out and weed your garden or something. :) It looks like its doing just fine though! I'm impressed.