Friday, July 24, 2009


Just a short view of the xray Wally had yesterday. It doesn't show how long the shaft is but you can see the screws and wherever it is white is the titanium. You can also see the cables going around the shaft holding his tendons to it and a claw like thing attached to that. Now, we just hope that his bone will mesh with all this. The dr said he's doing good but he isn't out fo the woods yet.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009


Wally said I'd better not put this picture on but he wouldn't smile a nice smile because I caught him while he was busy. Not the best way to spend his 70th birthday but it beats the alternative!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


My friend, Rosalie brought a box of cherries that her and her husband had picked yesterday so I was able to can 9 quarts and put 14 quart bags in the freezer. That was an unexpected surprise.