Friday, July 24, 2009


Just a short view of the xray Wally had yesterday. It doesn't show how long the shaft is but you can see the screws and wherever it is white is the titanium. You can also see the cables going around the shaft holding his tendons to it and a claw like thing attached to that. Now, we just hope that his bone will mesh with all this. The dr said he's doing good but he isn't out fo the woods yet.


bren said...

Wow. That's crazy but I'm glad he is doing good according to the doctor.

Sherri said...

This picture is something else, wow. We continue to pray for Dad's recovery.

julie said...

Ok dad, time to show us your tough old Robinson self! Hope you heal really fast!!

Thomas Carey said...

I hope never to see the blue prints of my hip joints.Dad