Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fertile Greenhouse!

We have three big clumps of these mushrooms growing in the greenhouse. They are really cool looking. This third one is dried from last year so I am going to collect these after they all dry and spray shellac or something on them and make yard decorations out of them. I looked them up on the Internet and they are called Mushrooms with a Bite. I guess you can eat them but they are really bitter. It also said they are rather rare. We are still eating brocolli, cabbage and lettuce out of the cold frame ( different from the greenhouse). As you can see we still have lettuce, etc. in the greenhouse.


bren said...

Oh that's a cool idea to spray those mushrooms. I was just remembering when we made those bowls out of gourds a couple Christmas's ago.

julie said...

Sweet! I do still have that Kale you gave me alive next to the house. I've been to COLD to go see if any lettuce type stuff is still alive way out back. I'm sure it's probably gone....

Sherri said...

How fun to still be eating from your garden! Cool mushrooms, and I agree, that's a neat idea to spray it and decorate with it. Yes, Brendi and I were talking about when we made those gourds. We were trying to think of something fun like that to do at Thanksgiving with Chelsea here, but didn't come up with anything. That would have been fun.