Monday, March 1, 2010


Jake really has an ear for music.
Luke, ou6t for a walk.

Deacon and Luke having fun.

Goofy girl.

Didn't get too many pictures of the teenagers. Here's Kaisa.

"Grandma" reading to the kids.

Brendi and Rusty kicking back.

You go, girl!!

This is the ONLY time this little guy wasn't moving!

Wally and Sherri out on the point.

Kinlee and Deacon at Chuckie's.

Aunt Brianna keeping an eye on Kinlee.

This girl is always a good cleaner upper!

Luke and Jake eating ....I think it was dessert.

This is something we found when we got home Saturday. This old chimney that we have never used had split and the middle fell out! Big repair job for Wally.


bren said...

Besides the fact that I look repulsive in your pictures, they were fun to look at! Kinlee and Deacon really had fun getting to know you guys better. They keep mentioning you every now and then too. And I hope you get your chimney taken care of. It seems like every time we've left town for vacation, everything goes wrong!

Jami said...

I love all of the pictures. It looks like you had a lot of fun!

Sherri said...

Thanks for showing these mom! Too bad about your chimney, darn. And for anyone wondering...I don't think that black warm up suit is the ONLY thing I wore all week, I don't think.... :0)

Sherri said...

P.S. THANK YOU for coming!!!!!

julie said...

Yep, I too, loved looking at all the pictures. Sherri, your kids are growing up on me! We need to get together before they are ALL adults!

Diane said...

The bad thing about that chimney is: it didn't break over.....we've had so much ran it sank into the basement!!! We have such a big job to do down there in the dirt room and neither of us are up to it.

julie said...

Wow mom, can you live with it like that for awhile without too much problem?