Sunday, May 9, 2010


Here I am at Farmer's Market freezing! Amazing that some people were walking around in halter tops and shorts. I had on a sweatshirt, vest and coat and was still cold. The wind blowing off of the river is cold but later we'll like that. We have been doing really well selling dad's plants.


Jami said...

What kinds of plants are you selling? Did you grow them in the cold frame? I'm really excited about doing my own garden this year!

Sherri said...

I love seeing pictures like this! Oh man, we just bought our tomato plants and planted them. Wish we could have used yours! By the way, I noticed you have the little grape shaped yellow tomatoes, we grew them last year and they are so good! Fun to just snack on when we're working in the garden. Kinlee and Deacon and Luke loved picking them.

Diane said...

We are selling mostly tomatoes right now. I do have a few flower plants like Delphineum, Lupine, and Moon Flower. I will save anyone seeds to moon flowers. YThey kinda reseed themaselves and we have them coming all over the garden so not sure if you want them. I am making grandpa Carey a hedge out of them to block a bad area he has. This last market I bought a couple of shallow bowls at the dollar store and planted about 7 different colored lettuces in them and sold them as "salad bowls" for $6. FUN! Now dad has fixed up several "basil" planters with differents kinds of basil. We'l;l see how they do.