Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Fall

The only thing I don't like about this time of year leads into winter but the colors are starting to be so beautiful. I l0ove this big Burning Bush and that is why we planted a bunch of them along the road. I can't wait until they get big like this one. The bottled grape juice is only the beginning!


julie said...

You've got to love that bottled grape juice!!

bren said...

Those plants & flowers do look so pretty. Such pretty fall colors! I'm with you, hope the fall lasts a little while before winter comes.

julie said...

HOw many quarts of juice did you get mom?

julie said...

By the way mom, you mound looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

i love the burning bush also. Fall colors are so beautiful. Fall is so pretty but seems to always be too short...

julie said...

I think you and I are alike Tiff...I want summer LONGER!!!

Sherri said...

Thanks for showing the picture of the burning bush, been wondering how it looks in bloom. It IS pretty, that will look so neat by the road!

Diane said...

It really isn't in bloom. That's the leaves.

Sherri said...


julie said...

Mom, have the weeds been hard to keep out of the mound?

Diane said...

No, they pull SO easy.