Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's That Time of Year

Grandpa has just finished getting his 75 gifts ready to go in the mail!

Monday, November 30, 2009


We are so blessed with family and health and living in a free country.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fertile Greenhouse!

We have three big clumps of these mushrooms growing in the greenhouse. They are really cool looking. This third one is dried from last year so I am going to collect these after they all dry and spray shellac or something on them and make yard decorations out of them. I looked them up on the Internet and they are called Mushrooms with a Bite. I guess you can eat them but they are really bitter. It also said they are rather rare. We are still eating brocolli, cabbage and lettuce out of the cold frame ( different from the greenhouse). As you can see we still have lettuce, etc. in the greenhouse.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Variety of pix

Grandpa Carey wore his Nebraska Cornhuskers sweatshirt to watch Nebraska's football game today but ti didn't help. They lost to Iowa State. I told dad I was going to send this middle picture to his doctor. He is up on the roof running a heat tape because we had trouble with ice buildup last winter and it leaked into the house around the windows really bad. He wouldn't let me help him:0( The last picture is our neighbor's worker pulling out our ornamental crab apple tree. He also took out our golden tree. They had codling moth which is really bad in this area.

Bubble Bazinga

You can hardly see this image but dad has gone nuts over this game!!!!! I told him Ron created a monster:0) I have a new camera and am trying to up;oad some pictures.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just a few pix

This cabin is where Greg and Sarah stayed for a couple days. We went up to visit them. It was in a beautiful area right outside of Grand Coulee. The middle picture is dad's first day back to church. He did good. The last picture is our friend that visits a hundred times a day. We enjoy the antics of the two humming birds. They fight over the feeder.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Just a short view of the xray Wally had yesterday. It doesn't show how long the shaft is but you can see the screws and wherever it is white is the titanium. You can also see the cables going around the shaft holding his tendons to it and a claw like thing attached to that. Now, we just hope that his bone will mesh with all this. The dr said he's doing good but he isn't out fo the woods yet.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009


Wally said I'd better not put this picture on but he wouldn't smile a nice smile because I caught him while he was busy. Not the best way to spend his 70th birthday but it beats the alternative!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


My friend, Rosalie brought a box of cherries that her and her husband had picked yesterday so I was able to can 9 quarts and put 14 quart bags in the freezer. That was an unexpected surprise.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Close Up

Wanted you to see what the moonflowers looks like up close.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I was wondering if any of you want me to save seeds from these flowers. The poppies are so pretty but they do tend to spread. The first flwoer is called Moonflower and is a low growing plant with large white flowers. It would look good against a wall or something. Let me know

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pictures

Just a few pictures. Wally walked (with his walker) out to the cold frame today and sat for a little while on two pillows. It felt very good for him to be outside. The next picture is how his feet looks in the morning. One white and one really red. We need to ask the doc about that.
Then you can see we will be eating ripe tomatoes soon. These are Northern Delight and are a variety that Aunt Karen told us about that are really early. The pink poppies are taking over the cold frame but they are so pretty (the picture doesn't do them justice) I haven't the heart to pull them even though they are crowding the veggies. Then the last picture is leeks. Have any of you ever grown leeks? This is our first time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It was so good to have Steve here to help out while dad is unable to do things like this. He was a great comfort to us.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I wonder if this is why he ended up having to have hip surgery. It's hard to keep this guy down. He said this little short walk outside felt SO good. He went slow and didn't go far but he just isn't a "lay-around" kind of guy. He needed the fresh air and said half of recovery is mental.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


We got Wally home today. I think he's going to make a lot of progress if I can keep him out of pain but I think he's just happy being home. Thank you for all your prayers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Should we eat?

These just popped up about 4-5 days ago and are growing so fast. I put a spoon next to them so you could see how big they are!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Early garden

This is just a view of inside dad's cold frame. We have the most beautiful lettuce. When anyone comes over we send them home with a big bag of lettuce. THese buckets sit beside each tomato plant. When there is a chance of a freeze, I have to go cover them. You can see the sides of the cold frame rolled up a bit. That has to be lowered each evening and raised each morning. The last picture is a tomato blossom.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I just realized I should have put the new carpet pictures last. Anyway, you can't really tell the color but it is a light beige and really cushy. I love it but now dad has to cut the bottom off of the closet doors and the bedroom doors because the carpet is so thick.

All of our two bedroom furniture and all the "stuff" from the rooms is crammed in our living room for a few days while we got ready for the new carpet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trip Pictures

We were waiting to go on the safari and this little boy sat down by Wally so I asked him if I could take his picture. This was at Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay.
This was at the Warplane Museum.

We enjoyed a session in the beautiful Orlando Temple.

Didn't get very good pictures at Seaworld because our camera wasn't working right but isn't this Manatee an interesting looking guy?

This is the view from our 8th story floor of where they served a beautiful breakfast every morning.

Kennedy Space Center was very Tinteresting. They took us by tour bus to two different sights to see the launching pad, etc.

After we visited Kennedy Space Center, we drove out to Cocoa Beach.

One fun thing we did was go on a mini-safari and got to feed the giraffes.

This was kind of a highlight of out trip by going very slwoly around Lake Cypress and being able to see the alligators in their natural habitat. We counted at least 24.